to have my cake and eat it too...

This blog is about things that trouble me at this moment of time. Its all about my likings. After all it is my cake....

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It's Raining in Mumbai!!!

I take my new Motorbike for the first time to office on a weekday, and it rains in Mumbai!!!. Just heard it is raining in May....that must be a first.
It has been raining in all parts of India especailly the northern parts. These are unseasonal rains, which are becoming normal year over year. A couple of years back it rained till November though officially it stops in Mumbai by september middle.
Is this because of global warming and othe climate changing phenomenons !!!
It could just be that things are shifting in the overall universe. Climatic conditions are something that can never be accurately studied. Climate ahs been changing for billions of years and over knowledge of this planet is very limited. How can we assume and make predictions with such huge difference. This is the reason why the science of Astronomy is so much confused with astrology.


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