to have my cake and eat it too...

This blog is about things that trouble me at this moment of time. Its all about my likings. After all it is my cake....

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

CEO of AP down... but not out.
Post-mortems will start soon about why the man known to be the best CM in India mr. Chandra babu Naidu has been thrown out of the electorate. So here is my share of thoughts on the same topic. Heard a comment a few weeks back one of the TV chat shows, that when AP farmers were commiting suicide due to drought, Mr. Naidu was trying to get F1 to Hyderabad. Well for most of the educated well off people and F1 fans (including yours truely), this was great news and farmers suicides were alien news. But the problem is the ppl who vote are farmers and not s/w engineers and F1 enthusiats (who account to less than 0.1% of all India population).
Secondly, in India electorates (especially in south-India) go for change. They have high expectations and their politcians are not even close to mark. Anti - incumbency is huge is South-India , so Mr. NAidu must consider himself lucky (or was he so good) that he managed to stay in power for 9 years. His neighbours in TN, Kerala and Karnataka have'nt been so lucky.
So Mr. Naidu can take heart from this and expect to be back in power for 5 years.

The stock market is in a crisis mode. Just viewed my portfolio to find that I have lost 3000 bucks in a single day!!! Ofcourse this is a notional loss and we will recover. Why?? well nothing has changed u see. I am firm beleiver the central government cannot do much harm to the private companies. So stock markets are panicking without any reason.

So now even Blair has appologised for his troops misdeeds. As if that will help!!! The difference between what Sadaam did to his people and what US/UK troops are doing is ... in the former case it was Iraqis harming Iraqis... now it is some white foreigner harming them.
The last thing US and UK now want is true democracy in Iraq, as no democratically elected government can support them after what they have done.


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