to have my cake and eat it too...

This blog is about things that trouble me at this moment of time. Its all about my likings. After all it is my cake....

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Life in TITA.
So the exercise of govcernment formation has started. The usual suspects of Harkishan Singh Surjeet, V.P Singh, Amar Singh, Ambika Soni etc. are back on TV giving sound bites and saying absolutely nothing important. But our Media has no alternative as the real decision makers are in closed rooms, conspiring for the new government. The above mentioned souls rarely contest elections and that too only the safe Rajya Sabha ones. The most irritating according to me is "commie" Surjeet and the Soni lady. Commie Surjeet comes out of hibernation every 5 years (less than that if he succeeds in forming "his chosen" government) and wrecks havoc to our polity and peace. Ambika Soni must be the undisputed leader of non-sense speaking. These are the people who make it a TITA (Terrible Is The Alternative). Terms like supporting the government from outside are being used. Apparently, very few parties want to be in the government but want to support it from outside.

For an newcomer to Indian Politics, this might sound like these parties are indulging in a noble cause of not being power hungry and letting Congress rule in peace. But that is far from the truth. "Supporting from outside" means basically all the power of government (as no bill can pass in Parliament without their support) without the responsibilities of actual governance. This is what "Commie" Surjeet is good at, he has made it into an art form. He has distroyed the careers of Deva gowda and Gujral with this formula and now Mrs. Gandhi might be next. The difference this time around is, congress nows this guy and they will be careful with him.
The stocks market plunged yesterday, causing huge losses for yours truely and many a small investor. The FII's seems to have caught cold feet thinking that Disinvestment and reforms are out. Something I can't understand is how can new government not reform.The forces that will force reforms (in reverse order) are ;
i) Fiscal deficit,
ii)WTO and rest of the globalisation crap.
iii) Industrial lobbies (CII, FICCI, NASSCOM),and
iv) TITA (of course, really, does anybody have any other idea ).

Lastly, a glowing tribute has to be paid to the Election Commission of India for the humungous task which the exercised with very few glitches. Though I myself could not register to vote despite having tried to register myself 4 times, I cannot imagine the difficulty of the task the commission has execised. The commission has provided some trivia and lots of data on their site. Hats off to one of the best conducted election in World history.


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